ROUGERIE+TANGRAM sees soil as a resource, an ecosystem in its own right, a rich ecological model, and takes it into consideration in its urban development projects.

As part of our collaboration with the ESO laboratory, we are co-financing the thesis of Alexis Morillas, who is investigating the future of predominantly commercial business parks and their high levels of waterproofing. His aim is to contribute to the development of an urban planning method that finally considers soil as a resource, and no longer as a simple support for successful urban renaturation.

Better soil management helps to combat erosion and flooding, improve planting conditions, combat heat islands and bring life back to the urban environment.

One of the main lines of research of his thesis in its operational phase: bringing inert soil back to life as part of an urban renewal project. Renaturalizing the city by taking into account the soil’s properties and richness, to restore a natural ecosystem to the city.

The first key step: understanding the soil.
By taking samples and interpreting them, Alexis adapts the use to the soil and develops a methodology to reactivate it through various bio-dynamic techniques.